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Pet peaves
What are your pet peaves.What are some samll things people do that annoy the hell out of you.

Money or Work Satisfaction
if given a choice which one would you choose?

Obviously both are interlinked but still

I would choose work satisfaction because ultimately that will lead to more money

How about you guys?

I just heard Kanye just bought Spotify,people are curious about his intentions for buying out Spotify. Some are saying it’s just another outcome of the rivalry with long-time collaborator Jay-Z

No More Yahoo Answers
Just as you read it. Yahoo Answers is over after 16 years of operation.

Today I received an email informing me about this situation.

As this is an English speaking community and I received the message in Spanish, I decided not to publish it.

Let's hope they don't decide to end the email service too because it would be a big problem for a lot of people...

Do you guys have this issue when you wear glasses with headphones and it presses into your skull? And would you guys pay like 10$ for a slip on thing at the end of your glasses to fix it? Thanks guys

Gaming is a mental health issue?

Looks like it's about to be recognised as a real thing.


The World Health Organization announced "gaming disorder" as a new mental health condition

What's your 'go-to' gaming website?
Trying to find a good gaming website outside of Polygon. What are some of your suggestions?

How often do you delete cookies from your phone / laptop
Since every website we go on ads these parasites to our phone / laptops how often do you delete them?

Or do you even care or do you do you do your browsing incognito / private browser mode?

what is the best flavor/brand of chips?
Personally I like sour cream and oinion,Barbeque,and cheddar flavoured chips